Making Newspaper Pots

Make your own biodegradable newspaper pots

These pots are ideal for raising seeds for when the seedlings suffer transplant setback. Plant the seedling, newspaper and all, in its final spot in the garden. 


1. Fold a sheet of newspaper in 3 or 4 to make a long narrow strip.

5. Pull out the jar, then, with the closed end of the jar going in first, push the jar down to crimp the base.

2. Place the open end of a straight-sided jar about 2/3 the way in the strip.

6. Your biodegradable pot is ready for potting mix and some seeds or seedlings.

3. Roll the newspaper over the jar, firmly but not too tightly.

Once you see how easy they are to make, do them in batches and keep them handy.

4. Push the overhanging edge into the mouth of the jar.

Basil seeds have germinated and will get planted out into the garden once they are big enough. The pot will hold until it is planted and then soil microbes will break it down beautifully.